Jennifer Louise Fialko was 29 years old and from Teaneck, New Jersey. Jennifer worked for AON Corporation on the 92nd floor in the South Tower of the World Trade Center.
Jennifer had just found the man she believed to be her soulmate, David.
On September 11, 2001, she called David at 8:59 after the first plane hit the North Tower. She realized she needed to get out of the tower. He told her to call back when she got to the bottom. The second plane hit her tower at 9:03. Nobody ever heard from her again.
At 24, an age when most people are busy with first jobs and apartments, Jennifer was diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease. She was 29 before she fully recovered. Beating cancer made her glow with new confidence. She felt she could do anything.
"She was convinced she was now going to live to 120," said Andrew Fialko, her brother. "And we believed her."