Deanna Lynn Galante was 32 years old and from Staten Island, N.Y. On September 11, 2001, Deanna was seven months pregnant with her first child and was scheduled to take maternity leave.
Deanna worked for Cantor Fitzgerald's eSpeed division as a personal assistant on the 106th floor of the North Tower of the World Trade Center.
I was visiting the memorial pools on a visit to NY and was struck by her name. So much so, I journaled all the way back to my hotel and looked up her information. My heart was broken by all that had happened, but putting a face and story behind an individual brought it all to a whole new level. All of these souls had lives, loves, and families. As a country, we collectively remember a "day" and the "people." But the reality is it's thousands of individual lives with not only their life story being cut short, but all who loved them; or in Deanna's case the child who would never be born. Processing all of that information on the actual hallowed ground of the site, I felt compelled to DO something, but being of very little significance in this great big world, nothing I could do would make much of a difference. So I created a lullaby for her and her unborn child. And I sing it for people who would likely never have heard of her. It's my incredibly humble tribute to her life. To listen or download (free always) go to:
And if you know her family, please give this to them. Peace and love.... GF
Same for me.. when I visited the memorial for the first time I saw her name and as you my heart was heavy. Every year I think of her and realize her child would be 18 now. Deanna I am think of you today. 😥