In Memory of Molly L. McKenzie

In Memory of Molly L. McKenzie

Molly L. McKenzie was 38 years old and from Dale City, Va. Molly worked at the Pentagon as a civilian budget analyst for the Army. She had worked for the Army for 14 years.

At 9:37 am on September 11, 2001, American Airlines Flight 77 was crashed into the western side of the Pentagon, killing 125 people working in the building.


  1. I visit 9/11 memorial feb 2020 from the uk and when walking round was drawn to your name. Inside the museum I then clicked on your details to read about you and was shocked to discover you were born 8th April . My birthday is the 8th April 85 & my middle name is also Louise. I did not know you but do wonder why I was drawn to your name. God bless Molly , may your love on in your family & we will never forget x

  2. Safe now in the arms of the Lord.God bless you


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