Jeanette Louise Lafond-Menichinoi was 49 years old and from New York, N.Y. Jeanette worked for Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc on the 94th floor of the North Tower at the World Trade Center
Jeanette was also a serious part-time artist who was inspired by the view from her office high in the north tower. Jeanette took photographs of the view from her office, her mother says, and used them in her own landscape paintings.
"The clouds would come right up to her window, and sometimes there were rain clouds, and you could actually see the rainfall. And if you looked above the clouds, it was completely clear. And when the airplanes and helicopters passed by, you could actually see in the compartments." Dina LaFond.
On September 11, 2001, American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the North Tower. Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc offices spanned the entire impact zone, from floors 93 to 99. No one present in the offices at the time survived the attack, and the firm lost 295 employees and 63 contractors.
God bless your family with peace. You are remembered