In Memory of Madeline Amy Sweeney

In Memory of Madeline Amy Sweeney

Madeline Amy Sweeney (known as Amy Sweeney), was 34 years old and from Acton, Massachusetts. (Born: Valley Stream, New York). Amy worked as a flight attendant for American Airlines Flight 11.

On September 11, 2001, Amy was asked by American Airlines to take an extra shift, because the other crew member who was assigned to the position was ill. Normally, she would only work on weekends.

During the hijacking of American Airlines Flight 11, Amy used an airphone to call American Airlines flight operations center. During the call Amy reported that two flight attendants, the pilots, and a first class passenger had been stabbed. She reported that the hijackers had jammed their way into the cockpit and that there was mace in the first class cabin, and how they struggled to breathe. She also stated that the cockpit was not answering their phone. During the last minutes of the call, she said that the aircraft was flying erratically and that they were descending very rapidly.

As she looked out of a window, Amy's final words were, "I see water. I see buildings. I see buildings! We are flying low. We are flying very, very low. We are flying way too low. Oh my God we are flying way too low. Oh my God!"

Madeline Amy Sweeney's name on the 9/11 Memorial
Amy's name inscribed on Panel N-74 of the National September 11 Memorial's North Pool


  1. I'll never forget hearing Amy's final words as AA 11 crashed into the WTC. She sounded so brave despite the fear she was probably feeling. I pray for peace for her family and for Amy in heaven. Such a young life gone too soon. God bless!

  2. My sister was on that plane


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