Showing posts with label Jennieann Maffeo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jennieann Maffeo. Show all posts

In Memory of Jennieann Maffeo

In Memory of Jennieann Maffeo

Jennieann Maffeo was 40 years old and from Brooklyn, New York. Jennieann worked for UBS PaineWebber.

On the morning of September 11, 2001, Jennieann was waiting for a bus near the twin towers. When the first plane hit the North Tower, she was doused with burning jet fuel.

In a second she was naked, dazed, her arms outstretched, her hands swollen and blistered beyond recognition, her eyes blackened and welded shut.

Ronald Clifford, from Cork, was in the South Tower lobby of the Trade Centre's Marriott Hotel when the first plane hit, "I saw this woman come out of the haze, and she couldn't see, she was very badly burned. Her name was Jenniann Maffeo. Over 98 per cent of her body was burned. The zipper on her sweater was welded into her body."

Ronald rushed to help her. Jennieann turned to him, "Sacred heart of Jesus, pray for me. Don't let me die" she said. Ronald read her the Lord's Prayer and stayed with her until rescue workers got her to an ambulance.

Jennieann fought for life for 41 days in a burn unit at Presbyterian Hospital- Cornell Medical Center before passing away on October 22, 2001.

"We had a short miracle," said her sister, Andrea Maffeo. "We were able to be with her. We talked to her, although she couldn't talk to us."

Mr Clifford, survived 9/11, but lost his sister Ruth and niece Juliana, both of whom were on United Airlines Flight 175.