Showing posts with label Marianne MacFarlane. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marianne MacFarlane. Show all posts

In Memory of Marianne MacFarlane

Marianne MacFarlane was 34 years old and from Revere, Massachusetts. Marianne died on September 11, 2001, on United Flight 175 bound for Las Vegas from Boston.

Marianne was a United Airlines gate agent. Marianne was on United Flight 175 for a mini-vacation in Las Vegas. Her mother, Anne MacFarlane, a Logan public service representative and former flight attendant, described Marianne as "everybody's friend."

Marianne worked the 4:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. shift and would rise at 4:05 to find her mother waiting downstairs to drive her to work. Although she usually tossed an "I'll see ya" over her shoulder, on September 11, 2001, Marianne said "goodbye" as her mother dropped her off at Terminal C. Her mother almost stopped the car to ask, "Why `goodbye'?"

Back at home, Marianne's mother turned on the television as a commentator spoke of the horror unfolding in New York City. Anne watched as her only daughter was murdered. While she didn't know at the time that Marianne was on the plane, an unease grew. Anne at first waited at home with her sons for some piece of news, but then felt an urge to go to the airport. She needed to know. United Airlines employees were gathered around the ticket counter. When they saw her approach, some began to cry.