Showing posts with label Maurita Tam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maurita Tam. Show all posts

In Memory of Maurita Tam

Maurita Tam was 22 years old and from New York, NY. Maurita worked for Aon Corporation on the 99th floor in the South Tower of the World Trade Center.

Maurita's uncle, Wai-ching Chung, also died in the attack. Mr. Chung was waiting in Manhattan for a shuttle bus to take him to his job in New Jersey when he was hit with falling debris.

Three years later, Maurita's mother was informed that her daughter's purse had been found. She said, "To compare with those families with nothing left from their loved ones, I was thankful".

Maurita described herself best. "I'm awesome!" she would shout, dissolving into giggles.

Maurita's student website, which her college has preserved.