Showing posts with label Vanessa Lang Langer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vanessa Lang Langer. Show all posts

In Memory of Vanessa Lang Langer and her unborn child

In Memory of Vanessa Lang Langer and her unborn child

Vanessa Lang Langer was 29 years old and from Yonkers, NY. (Born: Bronx, New York). Vanessa worked for Regus Plc on the 93rd floor in the South Tower of the World Trade Center.

On September 11, 2001, Vanessa, who was four months pregnant, escaped from the South Tower. However, her quest for survival had fallen short. She ran as the South Tower collapsed. She did not make it. Her body, and in it the small body of her unborn child, was pulled from the rubble of the fallen tower on September 24th, just ten feet from an alley between Towers IV and V.

Vanessa's husband, Tim, fell into a spiral of alcohol abuse after the death of his wife and unborn child. He died of liver failure in 2005. He was 34.
911Memorial-In Memory of Vanessa Lang Langer and her unborn child