Showing posts with label 9/11 videos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 9/11 videos. Show all posts

How It Was: Voices of 9/11

Recordings of 9-1-1 calls show how New York City's emergency operators and dispatchers did their jobs on 9/11.

Identifying 9/11 Victims 10 Years On

As of August 2011, 1,631 victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks have been identified, while 1,122 (41%) of the victims remained unidentified. The remains are being held in storage in Memorial Park, outside the New York City Medical Examiner's facilities. It is expected that the remains will be moved in 2013 to a repository behind a wall at the 9/11 museum. As of July 2011, a team of scientists at the Office of Chief Medical Examiner continues to try to identify remains, in the hope that improved technology will allow them to identify other victims.

In this video David Common explains how new science is being used to help some families find closure.

For Remembrance Day 2011 - Melissa Harrington-Hughes 9 11 Telephone Message

We must never forget them

On September 11, 2001, Melissa Harrington-Hughes (31 years old), was in New York for one day to oversee her software firm's merger. Melissa was on the 101st floor in the North Tower of the World Trade Center.

Melissa made a tearful call to her husband, Sean Hughes in San Francisco, but missed him as he was asleep. The full message she left said, "Sean it's me, I just wanted to let you know I love you and I'm stuck in this building in New York. A plane hit the building or a bomb went off, they don't know. But there's lots of smoke, and I just wanted you to know I love you always."

Tribute to the Children who lost their lives on 9/11

This is a very emotional tribute video to 9/11's youngest victims. In all, eight children died that day. Five were passengers on American Airlines Flight 77 and three were on United Flight 175.

3000 Rose Petals

3000 Rose Petals by Magdalena Taber

"Living just around the corner from Boston's Logan International Airport, I am still being reminded of 911 by the airplanes flying low over my head. But it is another memory that prompted me to arrange and perform a touching tribute on the 10th anniversary of the event. From a distance, the images of people jumping out of the windows of the towers appeared so serene... 10 years later, I counted 3000 rose petals and along with other artists friends dispersed them into the ocean. The gentle breeze of a perfect September day carried the petals away, while the airplanes flew so close above us. Full of symbolism, an art video documenting the tribute is now available for sharing on Youtube. Each name of the victims is typed into a heart wrenching mosaic, yet it is not an image of defeat, but resilience and hope." Magdalena Taber.

Inside The Twin Towers Film

Inside The Twin Towers.

This special award winning documentary film uses re-enactments and computer-generated imagery to re-create a minute-by-minute account of what happened inside the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City during the September 11 attacks.

In the US, it premiered on the Discovery Channel on September 3, 2006, narrated by Harry Pritchett. In the UK, it premiered on BBC One on September 7, 2006, narrated by Terence Stamp.

Shown here in 10 parts:

Parts 5-10

In the Arms of the Angels: A September 11 Memorial

A beautiful song "In the Arms of the Angels" accompanies this 9/11 memorial video. Let us never forget.

A Pledge of Tolerance for Tenth Anniversary of 9/11

"In memory of the tenth anniversary of 9/11, I would like to offer you and your readers of Remember 9/11 Online Tribute a message of peace in a short video and a pledge of tolerance". (Elizabeth Potter)

Unforeseen: A short film by Tyrone Howard

Thankyou to Tyrone Howard for sending me this video. Tyrone is a US Navy Veteran with 15 years of active duty service. He is now in college and has recently shot a nine minute short film called Unforeseen - it is about second chances.

Please take the time to watch Unforeseen in the video above. It is only a short film, but very emotional.

9/11 - 10th Anniversary Tribute Video

Please Note: This video does contain some disturbing scenes, and caution is advised when watching it.

9/11: The Filmmakers' Commemorative DVD Edition

This is the product description about this highly recommended 9/11 dvd.

On the morning of September 11, 2001, brothers Jules and Gedeon Naudet were working on a documentary about a rookie New York City firefighter. Hearing a roar in the sky, Jules turned his camera upward, just in time to film the first plane crashing into the World Trade Center. In a fateful instant, Jules and Gedeon became eyewitnesses to the most shocking and defining moment of our time. With cameras rolling, the Naudets followed New York City firefighters into the heart of what would be known as Ground Zero. What emerged is an unforgettably powerful visual document and a stirring tribute to real life heroes who, in their city's darkest hour, rose to extraordinary acts of courage and compassion.

9/11: The Filmmakers' Commemorative DVD Edition is available at and Please use the links below.

Remembering United Airlines Flight 175

At 9:03am on Tuesday September 11, 2001, the Boeing 767 operating as United Airlines Flight 175 crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center killing everyone aboard.

Remember Arlington - Pentagon and Flight 77

At 9:37 a.m on September 11, 2001, American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the western side of the Pentagon.

Victims at the Pentagon and on Flight 77
Pentagon 125
Flight (77) 59

Remember 9/11: New Books and DVDs

Best 9/11 DVDs

9/11 - The Filmmakers' Commemorative Edition
This is the best documentary on 9/11 I have ever seen. I have watched it many times, and it actually gives me some comfort. It makes me feel I am not alone in my thoughts, and that other people all over the world also remember those brave people who lost their lives.

102 Minutes That Changed America
Winner of 3 Emmy Awards, this documentary will distinguish itself from other 9/11 programmes by using only unique and rarely seen and heard archive footage to document the 102 minutes between the first attack on the World Trade Center to the collapse of the second tower. This will be a lasting document whose unique material comes from a range of non traditional sources, including amateur photography, video, and film; FDNY, NYPD, Port Authority and emergency dispatch radio recordings, photography and video; recorded voicemails; audio/video diaries; footage and stills broadcast or published outside the United States; electronic messages; surveillance camera footage; and outtakes culled from raw network footage.

Best 9/11 Books

Tower Stories: Amazon Review
If you're looking for an excellent book about 9/11, then look no further. This book will give the reader a clear idea of what it must've been like to actually be there in Manhatten and see the carnage first-hand. Read the true stories of men & women who experienced 9/11 and learn about how it has changed their lives forever. See the horrors from their perspective; the fires, the smoke, the debris, the falling bodies, the pandemonium, the collapse the the towers, and the aftermath. This book is a must have.

102 Minutes: The Unforgettable Story of the Fight to Survive Inside the Twin Towers

A Place of Remembrance: Official Book of the National September 11 Memorial (9/11 Memorial)

Product Description
On September 11, 2011, the world will be watching as the National September 11 Memorial opens on the site of the World Trade Center. With photographs and architectural plans never before published, paired with comments in the very voices of those who witnessed the event, those who struggled in its shadow for days and months after, and those who have dedicated the years since to rebuilding a place of hope and meditation at Ground Zero, this book will stand apart from all the rest on the tenth anniversary of that world-changing event. Heavily illustrated and elegantly designed, the book recalls the excitement and symbolism of the Twin Towers, the horror and chaos of the attack of 9/11, the fierce devotion and exhaustion as rescue of living victims became recovery of remains. But it also carries on from that date in history to tell the inside story of the long, complex, and sometimes contentious efforts to turn eight acres of Downtown Manhattan into a lasting memorial to those lost in New York, Pennsylvania, and at the Pentagon. A solemn reminder, a historic keepsake, and a fascinating read, this is the official book published by and about the National September 11 Memorial, created by those who have been working for years to honor those who died that day. A special fold-out lists all the names of the victims, making the book itself an enduring memorial to those who died on September 11.