Showing posts with label Karen Ann Martin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Karen Ann Martin. Show all posts

In Memory of Karen Ann Martin

In Memory of Karen Ann Martin

Karen Ann Martin was 40 years old and from Danvers, Massachusetts. Karen was the lead flight attendant on the American Airlines Flight 11.

In 1989, Karen became an American Airlines flight attendant and, jumping up onto a chair, proclaimed to her friends: "There is now something special in the air!"

On September 11, 2001, Karen became the first victim of the attacks. She was brutally attacked on the plane for the keys to the cockpit, which were in her possession.

Karen was not married but was known as 'Aunt Karen' to her friends kids. When asked about her safety as a Flight Attendant, Karen said, "I love my job and whatever happens, happens. I love my job." Karen's aunt, Joan Greener, recalls, "She loved people, but wasn't intimidated by people, and I know she didn't go down without a fight."