Kimberly S. Bowers was 31 years old and from Islip, NY. Kimberly worked as an administrative staff member for Cantor Fitzgerald in the North Tower of the World Trade Center.
On the morning of September 11, 2001, Kimberly stood outside the World Trade Center talking with a friend on her cellphone. At 8:50 a.m. she said, "Oh my God, a plane just hit the building. I'm getting out of here." Her brother-in-law, Eric, later said, "She was still out in the street. She wasn't even in the building yet."
"In the first years, the grief was just so overwhelming and so horrible there was no possible way that you could think of 9/11 as anything but a horrible, sad time because you're still so close to it. As time goes by and your grief changes and mellows a little, there's no way it's not going to be sad, but it can also be good. It's a time to remember what was good in the life of that person."
"We would always go to the zoo. We would go apple picking or pumpkin picking." Allison (Kimberly's sister).