Showing posts with label Karen Elizabeth Hagerty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Karen Elizabeth Hagerty. Show all posts

In Memory of Karen Elizabeth Hagerty

In Memory of Karen Elizabeth Hagerty

Karen Elizabeth Hagerty was 34 years old and from New York, NY. Karen worked for Aon Corporation on the 105th floor in the South Tower of the World Trade Center.

On September 11, 2001, when the first plane crashed into the North Tower, Karen and her colleagues immediately started the evacuation of their building. They were at the 78th floor awaiting the express elevator when the second plane struck their tower.

As some office workers spoke nervously of the loved ones they were rushing to rejoin, Karen joked, "I have a horse and two cats", as she was squeezed out of an elevator spot.

One of Karen's colleagues who had been with her on the 78th floor managed to survive, and revealed to Karen's parents that Karen died upon the impact of the second plane.

"My sister loved her animals more than life," Karen's sister said. "She called them her kids."