Jean Hoadley Peterson was 55 years old and from Spring Lake, N.J. (Born: Evanston, Illinois). Jean was a passenger on United Airlines Flight 93.
On September 11, 2001, Jean and her husband Donald Arthur Peterson, were on their way to a family reunion in Yosemite National Park. They were scheduled to take a later flight but at the airport they changed to Flight 93 because it was less crowded. They sat in seats 14A and 14C.
Jean and Donald were church and community volunteers, and had lived a life of quiet service to alcoholics and addicts, women with crisis pregnancies and residents of impoverished nations.
In terms of coping over the last 10 years, Jean's three daughters issued a joint statement, "We have continued to live our lives in a manner that we believe would make Mom and Don proud. We get together frequently and are a great source of support for each other."
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