Giovanna Galletta Gambale was 27 years old and from Brooklyn, NY. Giovanna worked for Cantor Fitzgerald on the 105th floor in the North Tower of the World Trade Center.
On the morning of September 11, 2001, Giovanna and her sister, Antonia, were both working in the North Tower. Antonia worked on the fifth floor, and was able to get out right away. She called her father, Anthony, in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn, and told him she was OK. He told her to come home. Then he said, "What about your sister?"
Giovanna known to her friends as 'Gennie' could not escape.
"When that first plane hit the World Trade Center, it hit all of our hearts, because our Gennie was there. When the towers crumbled, our hearts crumbled because our Gennie was there. But like Grandma says, Gennie quickly flew away from there, she flew away from there with her big Gennie smile on her face. We will always have Gennie with us." Lisa Baeurle (Giovanna's cousin).
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