Edward Thomas Strauss was 44 years old and from Edison, New Jersey. (Born: New York, NY). Edward worked as Superintendent of Operations at the World Trade Center.
As Chief of World Trade Center Operations, one of his duties was to be part of the initial response to any call for help within the complex.
Edward had a critical role in 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Six lives were lost that cold February afternoon, including a good friend of Eddie's. She was six months pregnant, working in the office next door to his when the explosion occurred. His life spared, he immediately swung into action, breaking through rubble to get to rescue workers and the injured.
When the Twin Towers were attacked on the morning of September 11, 2001, Edward once again chose to stay and put plans into action. Those plans helped save other people's lives.
"When we heard what happened to the buildings, we knew he was in there. From the time he was young, he was taking care of people. That's probably the way he died. He was a very giving person. Anybody who needed him, he was there, at work, at home, anywhere." Theresa, (Edward's sister).
I visited the memorial last week and Eddie's name was the first one I focused on, picking at random. I was glad to find this post to be able to find out more about him. My condolences to his family and friends for their loss. Time passes but he has not been forgotten.
ReplyDeleteI also recently visited the 9/11 memorial and came accross Edwards name. Ed...your legacy lives on. NEVER FORGOTTEN
ReplyDeleteHello, nice post.